YouTube now supports 360º videos, albeit only for the Chrome browser and Android devices for now. The technology is similar to Google Street View in that it’s taken with special cameras and allows you to look around instead of from just one perspective. This is one of the first 360º videos on the site, featuring Red Bull F1 racer Sebastien Buemi at the Rudskogen Motorsenter in Norway.
YouTube now supports 360º videos, albeit only for the Chrome browser and Android devices for now. The technology is similar to Google Street View in that it’s taken with special cameras and allows you to look around instead of from just one perspective. This is one of the first 360º videos on the site, featuring Red Bull F1 racer Sebastien Buemi at the Rudskogen Motorsenter in Norway.
The video was made by Making View AS, a Norwegian company that specializes in 360º videos. They have more 360º videos on their YouTube page.
Source:: 95 Octane