I love Amazon Prime, and I make it my goal each year to ensure that Amazon loses money on me when it comes to shipping. This year I stuck them with the shipping charge for a 400-pound wood lathe that was on Prime. I saved myself a $150 oversize shipping charge and covered the $99 annual cost of that Prime membership and then some.
In Germany, Amazon Prime, Audi, and DHL have teamed up for a program that might have delivered that giant wood lathe right to the trunk of my car. That is assuming a massive wood lathe would fit in the trunk of an Audi and I lived in Munich.
With this plan, you can order your stuff and give the exact location of your vehicle during the delivery time DHL gives. The DHL driver will come to your car and the driver will use a one-time access code to your trunk to let them in. Sounds cool, assuming you can trust the drivers to not steal anything that you may already have in the trunk.
Source:: 95 Octane