Frosted and chipped windshields could soon be a thing of the past. Invented by former Nanotechnology Engineering students from the University of Waterloo,
Frosted and chipped windshields could soon be a thing of the past. Invented by former Nanotechnology Engineering students from the University of Waterloo, NeverFrost is a spray-on coating that reduces frost on windshields by up to 90%. The protective film also strengthens windshields, making them six times more resistant to damage from stray rocks and other small debris. Finally, the coating blocks up to 90% of infrared heat from sunlight, so you’ll need less fuel to cool your car.
TechCrunch says NeverFrost Inc. is on a limited launch at the moment, with California and Ontario trucking fleets as its first customers. The company hopes to have a consumer version ready by next fall. A couple of years ago NeverFrost Inc. spoke with BetaKit, saying they’re looking into mixing their substance with windshield washer fluid to make it more user-friendly.
Beyond that, the company said its protective coating can also be applied to other surfaces and objects, such as practically any window as well as refrigerators and water lines.
Source:: 95 Octane