Ugur Sahin’s New Toruk EV Looks Fun

May 5, 2015 | Enthusiast News, From The Web

By Stirling Matheson

Ugur Sahin's New Toruk EV Looks Fun

It can be hard to make city cars look both cool and modern. The coolest subcompacts out there, the Fiat 500 and the Mini Cooper, are both shamelessly retro. Most attempts to be small and cool end up like the BMW i3: just bloody weird.

The Toruk Group, an electric car start-up, however hired Ugur Sahin to design it’s tiny car. This sporty little hatch is the result. It looks like a slightly more aggressive Alfa Romeo MiTo, and also like it would, in an alternate, petrol-powered universe, make for an awesome WRC car. We can only dream, no? Perhaps the age of the electric rally car is near. Instant torque on dirt sure sounds interesting.

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Source:: 95 Octane

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